Lens on AI Startup: Life.ai

Life.ai: Making Smart Cities Smarter with AI

In order for AI to be beneficial — truly beneficial — to humans, to mankind, it has to be citizen-centric." - Life.ai founder and CEO Dave Ladouceur

Denver based Life.ai is an artificial intelligence startup working on building intelligent systems for the next generation of smart cities. The company is creating solutions to improve the way in which people interact in their day to day surroundings - be it related to workplace tasks, learning or shopping.

When we think of smart cities, we are usually focused on infrastructure. However, Life.ai is thinking one step beyond infrastructure. It is planning to transform the living experience of citizens by creating people-centric solutions via AI.

The uniqueness of Life.ai’s offerings lies in the fact that it is developing the system from the end user’s perspective and is focused on making simple, day to day things in life convenient. Life.ai’s tools can augment the relationship of an individual with people, businesses and places around them. Basically, the company is striving to become a one stop shop platform for a citizen to interact with his or her surroundings in a convenient manner. The app’s open APIs and interfaces allow anyone who wants to build a smart city application or connect a data set to do so, growing the district in a way that meets that community’s unique needs.

This year, the company has announced a partnership with smart city developer Citylink.ai, serving as the primary driver behind a $700 million-plus smart district development outside of Washington, D.C., called Gramercy District. The company has also partnered with national coworking chain MakeOffices to create smart district hubs in 15 spaces across five states. (Built In Colorado)

It is important to note that the company states that it is very mindful of data privacy. They only wish to use the data that the users share willingly and do not plan to sell the data that they obtain.